Summerdale Medical Centre
P 03 6344 7177
The doctors and staff of Summerdale Medical Practice are committed to providing comprehensive general practice care of the best possible standard. All patient consultations and medical records are kept strictly confidential.
This practice has developed a privacy policy that complies with the privacy legislation and National Privacy Provisions.
The doctors at this practice have satisfied the training requirements of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners and have Vocational Registration. This recognises their commitment to Quality Medical Care and Continuing Medical Education. The Practice is fully accredited and externally audited on a regular basis.
Mission Statement
“The Summerdale Medical Practice is committed to providing comprehensive General Practice care to all patients of the best possible standard.”
Our Mission Statement is established for the following reasons:
To provide the Practice with direction
To provide the belief that it will create an organisational climate that inspires people to achieve excellence and satisfaction in their jobs
To provide the needed discipline to make the right kind of things happen
To communicate the organisation’s reasons for its existence
To give the employees a sense of purpose
Practice Philosophy
The Summerdale Medical Practice is a comprehensive primary care medical centre. The philosophy of the practice is to provide our patients with the best possible treatment using the most up-to-date and evidence-based methods, materials and equipment; emphasising prevention of illness as a higher ideal than the actual treatment of it.
The philosophy will best be achieved in a working environment where we recognise the patient as being the most important person in the practice and where we work in an ethical and responsible manner, without discrimination on the basis of sexuality, race or religion in an environment of teamwork, with mutual respect for each other’s abilities and functions.