Pin & Tonic is a Natural Medicine, Nutrition and Acupuncture clinic. We are here to help resolve your current symptoms or long term health conditions.
Pin & Tonic is committed to your wellbeing and to nurturing you and your family at every stage of life. From preconception and pregnancy to childhood and adolescence then throughout your adult life, we offer you the best natural approach for your whole family.
We are highly qualified practitioners using evidence based complementary medicine to provide innovative and effective treatment.
The primary aim of Naturopathic medicine is addressing the underlying causes of illness, disease and debility and supporting the body’s natural healing processes.
Using nutritional advice and medical-standard herbal medicines and nutritional supplements we aim to resolve illness and optimise energy, health and wellness.
Naturopathy can be very successful either as a sole treatment or to complement conventional medical treatments. We will provide you with knowledge and tools to proactively take control of your long term health.
We have a comprehensive dispensary of medicine-grade practitioner nutraceuticals, vitamins, minerals, liquid herbs, supplements and protein powders. Our dispensary is open on our clinic days and we request that you ring in advance so we can allocate your requested items to ensure they are ready for collection when you arrive.